Friday, May 20, 2011

Oh, c'est une vie merveilleuse

Dear annoymous,

I have a secret.

It's not mine to tell though.

I wish I could have not known about this one. It's too much for me to handle. I just don't know how to describe the feeling of devastation. I don't know how to cope with this situation this time. I feel like other people have gone throught this, but they let their parents handle it, not the child. Want to know my secret?

My dad is cheating on my mom.

He doesn't know I know.

You see, I was snooping around like I always do, but this time I found a phone. A spare phone. A cheap prepaid cell phone, but the kind capable of picture messages. The kind of pictures you don't want to find on your fathers phone. The kind of texts you don't want to find on your father's phone. The kind of messages that are absolutly NOT appropriate for your father's phone.

I would understand if it was just that, but when you go through the messages, and find ones, saying this has been going on for four years, and him wondering how he get her to have sex with him, also considering shes married and has kids. I know they haven't met in person...yet, but isn't it the intent that counts?

My mom and I know he looks at porn on the internet, he has one of those small, cheap lap-tops, so everytime he gets a virus, he doesn't have to worry about the damage. He also goes out to one of our sheds everynight, with his lap-top, and smokes cigars and drinks scotch. He wears his wedding ring...on his keyring....

I think I would feel worse about this if my parents had a good relationship. They've only been married as long as I've been here. They don't show any form of affection, at all. I didn't like my father to begin with, this is just the cherry on top.

And I'm supposed to go on, knowing this, and he carries out his daily routines, with out a care in the world, like he's not doing aytig he should e guilty about doing. I want them to divorce. I think it would make everyone happier.

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